Release Notes

1.4 (2024-02-16)

Hello 👋️ We’re alive and maintaining this!

This release puts django-nyt a step forwards toward being a mature framework, especially by adding Django 5 support, fixing issues and adding more tests. However, there are still some async capabilities remaining to be solved for it to be both mature and modern.

If you can get behind the concept, please consider the great potential of contributing to this project!


  • Custom email templates per notification type: For instance, a site admin and a user may now receive different notification emails, both for content and subject line. This is controlled by two new dictionaries in your settings NYT_EMAIL_TEMPLATE_NAMES and NYT_EMAIL_SUBJECT_TEMPLATE_NAMES. Templates are matched to a notification key pattern that uses glob expressions, so it’s now encouraged to use / separators in notification keys, for instance comments/new is matched by comments/**. #125 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Django 5 support #128 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • New arguments --domain and --http-only for management command notifymail. #130 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Documentation reorganized with Diataxis structure and more how-to guides have been added. (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • New shortcut function utils.unsubscribe(). #137 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Better logging for notifymail management command #141 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Added fields created and modified on models Settings and Subscription #142 (Benjamin Balder Bach)


  • Tests migrated to pytest #123 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Default email notification paths are changed to notifications/emails/default.txt and notifications/emails/default_subject.txt #125 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Notification URLs added to emails have a hard-coded https:// (before, this was http://) #125 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • New test-friendly settings pattern changes internal names of settings, but has no effects on Django settings #127 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Corrected name of method to Settings.get_default_settings #129 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Improvements to docstrings of main methods notify() and subscribe() #129 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Return value of notify() was changed - it no longer returns an int (number of created notifications), instead it returns a list of created notifications. This is very useful, see How to map a related object to a notification #134 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • The field Notification.url now accepts 2,000 characters rather than 200 #142 (Benjamin Balder Bach)


  • Template files possible for email subjects. Previously, this file was ignored #125 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Notifications without URLs had a broken URL in emails #125 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Management command notifymail to send emails is more robust #129 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • recursively called itself when adding a non-default setting #140 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Weekly digests weren’t correctly generated #142 (Benjamin Balder Bach)


  • Python 3.7 support removed #129 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

  • Unused (!) setting NYT_ENABLED was removed #134 (Benjamin Balder Bach)

1.3 (2023-05-03)

  • Hatch build system, environment management and more #116 (Oscar Cortez)

  • pre-commit configuration updated #116 (Oscar Cortez)

  • Code-base black’ned #116 (Oscar Cortez)

1.2.4 (2022-11-11)

  • Adds Django 4.1 support #113 (Oscar Cortez)


  • Add missing .txt email template files in distributed packages #109


  • Adds a no-op migration because of auto-detected changes


  • Django 4.0 and Python 3.10 support (added to test matrix)



  • Django 3.2 and Python 3.9 support (added to test matrix)

  • Travis replaced with Circle CI


  • Django 1.11 and 2.1 support



  • Django 3.1 support (added to test matrix)



  • Do not access Settings.user in Settings.clean() on blank new objects #92



  • Django 3.0 support (added to test matrix)



  • Django 2.2 support (added to test matrix)

  • Linting (no changes to functionality)



  • Django 2.1 support (no changes in code)



  • Python 3.7 support #81


  • Removed django_nyt.notify, use django_nyt.utils.notify


New features

  • Django 2.0 support #55

Bug fixes

  • Restored missing translation files #73


  • Django < 1.11 support is dropped #62

  • Python < 3.4 support is dropped #65 and #68

  • Deprecate django_nyt.urls.get_pattern, use include('django_nyt.urls') instead #63

  • Removed django_nyt.VERSION, use django_nyt.__version__ instead #73


Starting from django-nyt 1.0, support for the upcoming channels has been added together with Django 1.9, 1.10 and 1.11 support.

You can switch off django-channels by setting settings.NYT_CHANNELS_DISABLE = True.

New features

  • Support for channels and web sockets. #21

  • Django 1.9, 1.10, and 1.11 support #25

  • Default AppConfig "django_nyt.apps.DjangoNytConfig" #57

Bug fixes

  • Celery will auto-load django_nyt.tasks when channels isn’t installed #23

  • Error in channels consumer when requested with AnonymousUser (Benjamin Bach) #50 #51

  • Clear the notification type cache every time a new notification type is created or deleted (Benjamin Bach) #34 #36

  • Explicitly accept WebSocket connections (Kim Desrosiers) #35

  • Fix critical django-channels err (Tomaž Žniderič) #29

  • Correctly set default options for notifymail management command (Benjamin Bach) #32

  • Adds Django 1.11 to test matrix (Benjamin Bach) #32

  • Do not return bytes in __str__ (Øystein Hiåsen) #28


  • Django 1.5 and 1.6 support is dropped