How-to guides

Adding a notification

from django_nyt.utils import notify

EVENT_KEY = "my_key"
notify(_("OMG! Something happened"), EVENT_KEY)

Subscribing to a specific object

The Subscription model has a generic relation which can link it to any other object. This means that aside from subscribing users to a universal event (i.e. “a comment was updated”), users can also be subscribed to specific object (i.e. “your comment was updated”).

notify(_("OMG! Something happened"), EVENT_KEY, target_object=my_model_instance)

In order to subscribe a user to receive notifications only for a specific object, you can create the subscription like this:


Excluding certain recipients

By setting the kwarg filter_exclude to a dictionary of lookup fields for models.Subscription, you may exclude certain users from getting a notification.

For instance, if a notification is solely for staff members, we can exclude all the users that aren’t:

    _("OMG! Something happened"), EVENT_KEY,
    filter_exclude={'settings__user__is_staff': False}

Disabling notifications

Use decorators.disable_notify to ensure that all notifications within a function are disabled.

For instance:

from django_nyt.decorators import disable_notify
def my_view(request):

Case: Django-wiki integration

Django-nyt is integrated with django-wiki by enabling wiki.plugins.notifications.