How to send email digests

A management script is supplied for sending out emails.

Here are 3 alternative ways of getting email notifications sent out:

  1. As a Celery task

  2. As a daemon

  3. As a cronjob

Celery integration

If you use Celery, you could probably see it easily done to add a simple scheduled task with Celery Beat that calls

If you don’t use Celery already, we cannot recommend to deploy Celery simply for the sake of sending out these emails. Instead, it’s probably easier to use one of the other methods.

You need to run something like this:

from import call_command

def send_nyt_emails()
    call_command('notifymail', cron=True)

Schedule the task as often as you want instant email notifications to be guaranteed to reach the user. If you are using channels, you don’t need to worry about instant notifications as they’re sent asynchronously in this case.

You can also hook the scheduling of the task to the post_save signal on django_nyt.models.Notification (TODO: write example code).


Schedule the task as often as you want instant email notifications to be guaranteed to reach the user. If you are using channels, you don’t need to worry about instant notifications as they’re sent asynchronously in this case.

sudo su YOUR_HTTPD_USER -c bash  # e.g. www-data
crontab -e  # Edit the cron tab

This is the code you should add to your crontab:

/path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/python /path/to/project/ notifymail --cron


Instead of adding a crontab, you can also have the notifymail script run as a daemon.

/path/to/your/virtualenv/bin/python /path/to/project/ notifymail --daemon

For more configurability of the daemon, run help notifymail.